Yesterday was okay,
classess were normal,
nothing much different from previous sem,
except for this time i waited bus at KDO bustop..:P
i took 10.30am Zone 3 bus.
while in the bus,
i managed to snap few of my coursemate from the inside,
check this out!!!
classess were normal,
nothing much different from previous sem,
except for this time i waited bus at KDO bustop..:P
i took 10.30am Zone 3 bus.
while in the bus,
i managed to snap few of my coursemate from the inside,
check this out!!!
Nisa & Mala
and last but not least, Nani
During Algorithm class,
Dr Sufian taught about formal & informal definition,
which im a bit LOST,
bcoz i didnt revise it b4,
& so im screwed with that...
Lucky Atin came & seat beside me,
*at least i have backup from Atin..hehe
this is how the class looks like
at 3pm,
i had Entrepreneurship class,
by Dr Zamri.
His lecture was really sempoi,
in the sense that,
he didnt even use a single slide to give lecture
i still remember what he said,
"we do not know the future"
thus, dont jugde people for what there are now.
Hedy offered me his newly bought hp,
which i used it for
updating my tweet,
which i used it for
updating my tweet,
& blogging,
class ended at 4.30pm...:)
ade paparazi yer d cni..~
good job!
nisa... ak sje jer... xde mende nak post..hehe *n lgipon nak back-up gambo ~ precious momemnt...ahaks
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